From the moment they enter Sterling Ford, clients can feel confident the company has taken proactive steps to protect their health. SaniLume upper room UVC units continuously disinfect the air in the service intake area, the waiting room and the service desk area.
SaniLume UVC lights operate continuously, neutralizing pathogens as they pass through the germicidal UV treatment field safely above occupants’ heads. With adjustable apertures, they are effective in both the standard-size waiting room and the high-ceiling service areas.
Illumisoft’s SaniLume fixtures provided an easy-to-install, effective solution that is also suitable for long-term care, retirement homes, schools, daycares, offices, and workplaces.
Continuous air disinfection. Equivalent to >30 air changes per hour (ACH)*
Simple installation. Hang from the ceiling like a pendant light
Client satisfaction. Clients and staff have peace of mind
Enhanced safety. UVC light is safe and effective
* 400 sq. ft. room size; 9.8 ft ceiling, Sanilume aperture set for 3.92W UVC output
Every 2 minutes
Air in a 20’ x 20’ area is disinfected